Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 16: Another week with losses across the board...

Week 16 is now in the books and just 9 more to go! I was able to lower every stat across the board from last week so my point totals reflect that. Joe is starting to ramp up his workout schedule in an effort to keep ahead of me but I have him in my sights :)
(As some of you know I am trying really hard now to be lower then him in weight by the end of this thing and I am now just 10.6 pounds away)

I was really proud of him this week though. We went out Saturday and biked 10 miles together and then did a brisk 3.5 mile walk with some weight training on Sunday. I think if he keeps stuff like that up over the next 9 weeks he will be impossible for me to catch - but overall it will be much better for him. Until next week...

Week 16 Totals:

Craig: 49.21
Joe: -33.78

My results:
Weight: 214.2 / Lost 4.0 / 1.83%
BP(S): 123 / 7 / 5.38%
BP(D): 76 / 3 / 3.80%
Pulse: 76 / 16 / 17.39%

This Weeks Points: 28.41
Total Points: 49.21

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So you are walking around the mall - what's good to eat?

Have you visited such restaurants as Panda Express, Cinnabon, or even Auntie Ann's pretzels while walking around your local mall? I don't know about you but I have had dozens of things from each.

I wanted to pass on a link to an article that I recently stumbled upon that I found pretty interesting. For instance . . .

How many of you Panda lovers have tried their Orange Chicken? I know my hand is raised and often times it was as their Pick 3 (you know 2 of the Orange Chicken and some rice :) Well 1 portion of their Orange Chicken is about 500 calories and 27g fat! If you add in an order of Fried Rice, and you're up to 950 calories and 41g fat! You can do the math for my Pick 3!!

Lots of other items to watch out for and great tips to choose the lower calorie meals so check it out:

The Best & Worst of the Mall Food Court

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week 15: A Weekly Weight Loss of 6+ pounds / Total of 60+ !!!

Wow - this thing is moving right along - just 10 weeks left. Joe had a bit of the flu this weekend and was not feeling well. For me though, I am simply tickled pink about my continued results. I have been able to hit every goal so far and am finally getting to the point where I take notice every now and then of how far I have come.

It has not been easy by any stretch of the imagination; and it is not over yet, but I think I really truly believe that it is finally possible to achieve the end goals I have set. I am going to keep pushing hard and will keep you informed!

Week 15 Totals:

Craig: 20.80
Joe: 3.71

My results:
Weight: 218.2 / Lost 6.2 / 2.76%
BP(S): 130 / -12 / -10.17%
BP(D): 79 / -1 / -1.28%
Pulse: 92 / -16 / -21.05%

This Weeks Points: -29.74
Total Points: 20.80

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The waters begin to withdraw and the clean-up is started...

So the rain has stopped and the clean-up has begun. Today on Wednesday is the first day that after the rains stopped early Monday morning that many of the roads have re-opened. In fact, I-80/94 which is a main interstate from Illinois into Indiana was closed nearly 3 days due to the amount of rain and flooding that occurred making commuting traffic from Chicago even worse for most.

For Hobart most of the flooding was due to small rivers, creeks and Lake George swelling from the gathered rain fall. Judging from Joe's I believe that it was was up nearly 12-15' in most places. Here are some of the pictures I have. Some of them were taken from downtown where several business were completely flooded and ruined. Remember to click on them for a larger view.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 14: Morning weigh-in and a nice stretch to the lead...

Well the ground was really wet today - just don't know if it was from the excessive rain or Joe's tears after seeing my points lead! We ended up setting the weigh-in early on Sunday morning in anticipation of the coming weather. Downside was that with the weather today I wasn't able to exercise at all before the weigh-in but that just means that my pulse numbers were going to go down just a wee bit from last week (especially since it was morning).

The numbers change drastically in this challenge though so you really can't get comfortable with any size of a lead. 14 weeks down and just 11 to go.

Week 14 Totals:

Craig: 50.54
Joe: -9.40

My results:
Weight: 224.4 / Lost 3.4 / 1.49%
BP(S): 118 / 0 / 0%
BP(D): 78 / 2 / 2.50%
Pulse: 76 / 33 / 30.28%

This Weeks Points: 34.27
Total Points: 50.54

Water rescue on Wisconsin St in Hobart, IN

Ok, here is something you don't see everyday. See this Truck:

Can you now find it in this picture?

That's right. This guy thought that he could make it and attempted to cross the road (which has risen about 2 feet just since my last post). Of course the emergency personnel had to bring in a boat to attempt the rescue:

I guess you just never know what might happen. Oh well, enough excitement - back to my attempts to dry things out.

As with a lot of people - we had a bit of rain this weekend...

There used to be a road here. With it still raining as I type the water is currently nearly 4 feet on top of the road in some spots and still rising.

This is a bait shop owner by the lake. The landing you see is the 2nd level of the house.

My father's pier usually is anchored by poles around it and it usually goes straight out. Water rose so much so fast that it raised up over the poles and came loose. Approx 8 feet rise with more rain still falling and a crest expected nearly 48 hours from now.

Just a quick note for now - going to check to see if the row boat is ready!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Memory of Those Fallen 7 years ago...

We continue to keep you and your families
in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 13: Recovery week / Still in the lead!

Week 13 is over and I primarily used this week as a recovery week. Over the previous 3 weeks I have really been pushing hard and as a result achieved a 14 pound weight loss in just 3 weeks time. I wanted to give my body a chance to recover a bit and limited my workout sessions this week.

Still kept up enough for a bit over a pound on the weight loss. Joe on the other hand has had a temporary set-back with a small weight loss plateau. I am sure that he will be busting out of it soon though so I intend to keep the pressure applied and get back at it this week! :)

Week 13 Totals:

Craig: 16.27
Joe: -5.71

My results:
Weight: 227.8 / Lost 1.2 / 0.52%
BP(S): 118 / 6 / 4.84%
BP(D): 80 / -2 / -2.56%
Pulse: 109 / -11 / -11.22%

This Weeks Points: -8.43
Total Points: 16.27

Friday, September 5, 2008

OK All - I need Help with Song Suggestions for my Ipod / Mp3 Player

So it's been a little bit since I started my exercise routine for my health challenge and I need everyone's help. I need suggestions for good songs to load into my Ipod / Mp3 Player.

I don't need the songs themselves just Title and Artist so that I can start to put some "new blood" into my workout songs.

Any genre suggestion is OK (As most know, I listen to everything from Soft Jazz/Classical to Country to Heavy Metal) but it needs to be up tempo. Just not enough motivation to ride/run while listening to a waltz!

So send your comments/suggestions my way and help me keep moving along! If your not sure how to send a comment - CLICK HERE to find out!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who you gonna call? Could it be? Are they coming back?

Word is starting to spread that a 3rd Ghostbusters movie could be in the works! A lot of rumors are out there but no definative word on actual cast members returning or a story line yet.

Read more here:

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters - part 3

Ramis Plans ‘Ghostbusters 3’ with Stiller

Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 12: --- 50 POUNDS LOST ---

Week 12 is officially in the books and I have passed yet another milestone. First let me say that I worked harder this week then any week so far and I am tickled pink to see some benefits to my extra efforts. As you might recall Joe and I had to switch our weigh-in last week to Monday night. This week we weighed in early Sunday morning so we could finish it before we spent the day with the family in town. Tough turn-around time with less then a week this time to post a change in our numbers.

I needed exactly 4 pounds to put me past 50 this week and I was able to muster 5.2! How? Determination! I walked 10.4 miles this week and biked a personal weekly best of 67.6 miles. Add in walking around during 2 Colts games and an entire day at Great America and I was able to use the extra exercise to achieve that next level.

The challenge is now nearly half over and I am now half-way to completing my total weight loss goal of 100 pounds. I am not delusional enough to think that I will keep this pace up and reach my goal by the end of the challenge but I should be at a low enough level to be able to finish the job by early next year. Who knows - maybe my birthday present to myself in January can be the celebration of a hundred pound loss. That would be VERY nice!

Week 12 Totals:
Craig: 24.70
Joe: -3.36

My results:
Weight: 229.0 / Lost 5.2 / 2.22%
BP(S): 124 / 9 / 6.77%
BP(D): 78 / 10 / 11.36%
Pulse: 98 / -14 / -16.67%

This Weeks Points: 3.68
Total Points: 24.70