Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 12: --- 50 POUNDS LOST ---

Week 12 is officially in the books and I have passed yet another milestone. First let me say that I worked harder this week then any week so far and I am tickled pink to see some benefits to my extra efforts. As you might recall Joe and I had to switch our weigh-in last week to Monday night. This week we weighed in early Sunday morning so we could finish it before we spent the day with the family in town. Tough turn-around time with less then a week this time to post a change in our numbers.

I needed exactly 4 pounds to put me past 50 this week and I was able to muster 5.2! How? Determination! I walked 10.4 miles this week and biked a personal weekly best of 67.6 miles. Add in walking around during 2 Colts games and an entire day at Great America and I was able to use the extra exercise to achieve that next level.

The challenge is now nearly half over and I am now half-way to completing my total weight loss goal of 100 pounds. I am not delusional enough to think that I will keep this pace up and reach my goal by the end of the challenge but I should be at a low enough level to be able to finish the job by early next year. Who knows - maybe my birthday present to myself in January can be the celebration of a hundred pound loss. That would be VERY nice!

Week 12 Totals:
Craig: 24.70
Joe: -3.36

My results:
Weight: 229.0 / Lost 5.2 / 2.22%
BP(S): 124 / 9 / 6.77%
BP(D): 78 / 10 / 11.36%
Pulse: 98 / -14 / -16.67%

This Weeks Points: 3.68
Total Points: 24.70

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