Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our Buddy Dameon Gets to Visit!

What a great weekend we had spending it with our little buddy Dameon! He is Angela's brother Chris's grandson and we were tickled pink that he was able to come over to our house for the weekend and visit.

He is a terrific kid who is extremely sharp for his age. He loves dinosaurs (and knows them by name), Spider-man and especially loved the outdoors.

So what did we have planned for the weekend?

Well you know I couldn't disappoint the little guy so on the day that he arrived I rented one of the big blow-up Moon Palace jump things and we all had fun jumping in it.

The thing would hold up to 6 adults so of course Angela and I had to get in it try it out. Soon all of the neighborhood kids took notice and we even let them come over and jump for a bit.

After the jumping was over it made a perfect dinosaur pit so Dameon and I got down to business and made sure our Dinosaurs and snakes got plenty of time to stretch their legs.

Plus plenty of time this weekend to camp out in the tent, ride the waverunner for the first time, swim in the pool, open up presents and much, much more.

A LOT of fun was had and we hope he is able to come back real soon!


Anonymous said...

So glad to see that Dameon got to come and visit. WOW! has he grown. It looks like the two of you need to have one of your own....way to much fun spoiling!! Great to see updates on you all....take care, DeAnne

CjT said...

Thanks for checking in! The blog has been a great help staying in touch with everyone. Keep checking back as we plan to update it on a regular basis!