Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Trailer: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie - Opens 11/21/08

The first movie trailer is now online tonight! Here is a link:


For those that don't know - Angela and I are big Harry Potter fans. Some might think that this is a "kids book" series but I strongly disagree. We have both read all 7 books and watched all the movies and I have completely enjoyed them. In fact we even went to the midnight book party for the 7th book and was up all night reading it - but that's for another blog post sometime. Yes, I even have pictures from it :)

I highly recommend the books as you will get a much more complete story but the movies have been fairly consistent with the inclusion of most of the major story lines. Judging simply from this 1st trailer I don't think this one will disappoint either. Enjoy!

I purchased gas today for $3.38/gal - Can't believe I was excited...

Wow! How much have we been brain-washed when it feels good to fill up for $3.38/gallon. That's just terrible!

According to AAA - the national average for Unleaded regular for 7/29/08 was $3.941. I was in Springfield, MO this morning and filled up at a QT station for $3.38. Was kind of nice to be on the low end of the spectrum for a change but isn't it odd how we now feel good about gas below $3.50? After an extended time of above $4 I guess that is what we get.

If you are interested with updated figures on a daily basis I suggest this AAA website: http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/

With any luck maybe we will all see some relief for a bit in the upcoming weeks.

Until next time...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 7: 30 Total lbs Lost - And the Point Gap is Closing...

Week 7 is in the books and I am excited to now have lost 30 pounds. Joe's totals averaged out this week as I expected and as you can see the point gap has narrowed considerably since last week. As many of you know, Angela and I participated in a diet program called Seattle Sutton's Heathly Eating about 2 years ago. After about 10-11 weeks on that I went from 272 to 245. More weight loss here in less time and no fad diet to go off of and yo-yo back again. As I have been telling everyone that has been asking me so far - I am NOT on a diet - just living a better lifestyle. :)

Week 7 Totals:
Craig: 20.84
Joe: 24.11

My results:
Weight: 249.4 / Lost 3.8 / 1.50%
BP(S): 126 / 0 / 0.00%
BP(D): 79 / -1 / -1.28%
Pulse: 100 / -6 / -6.38%
This Weeks Points: -6.16
Total Points: 20.84

Friday, July 25, 2008

All Tile Cubs Game Today - My 1st Time at 3639 Wrigley Rooftop!

My 1st time ever to party on one of the rooftops at Wrigley and was it ever a blast. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the 3639 Rooftop at Wrigley. I have watched several games at Wrigley but I must say that the rooftop experience is quite unique and if you should ever get the chance the 3639 Rooftop is a Premium place!

The company I work for sells our products through All Tile Inc (a Midwest flooring distributor). They entertained several of their customers and vendors today on the 3639 Wrigley Field Rooftop watching the Cubs vs Marlins.

Unfortunately the Cubs lost to the Marlins today by a score of 3-2 but it was still a great time nonetheless. We even received a bonus today and was able to see Notre Dame Alum Jeff Samardzija make his major league debut with the Cubs!

This place was truly 1st class all the way. It had three viewing levels: an inside air-conditioned viewing area, an open air table/chair sitting area and a third level that contained a stadium seating section. Each level came complete with a bar and a never-ending supply of food and fun in the sun. They even had a large grill on the top level that served up some wonderful looking items. Of course your normal ballgame fare was available: hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and brats; but they also had salad, chicken sandwiches, beef sandwiches, philly steaks, cookies, several choices of ice cream, cupcakes, pizza and much more that I am probably forgetting. Let's put it this way - it was a terrible day of torture while trying to stick to my new healthy eating plan. (I must admit though that I did sample 2 of the home-made chocolate chip cookies!)

I was really surprised by the view too! You would think that it would seem very far away from the field but it was surprising that the site lines almost looked as if you were right there part of Wrigley. These photos on the left and right were taken on my phone from my seat.

So if you are looking for a rooftop for your next Cubs game make sure to check them out!


Thanks to everyone at All Tile for a terrific day!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to Type a Comment and Post it on Craig's Blog. . .

Thanks to all of the family and friends who have been checking out my page! Many of you have emailed me that you would have liked to write a little comment on one of my articles put didn't know exactly how to do it. Never fear - I will be happy to walk you through it!

First, my blog is made up of various articles. The articles themselves can be read on the left side of the screen and the right side is saved for various slideshows, polls, and other neat things. If you are reading an article and would like to send a comment simply scroll down to the end of that article and you will find a link to the comments. (It might have 0 or a 100 comments just depends on all of you). Here is what the link looks like:
Once you click on this it will bring up a pop-up box to start and enter your comments.

(See the example on the right) --->

If there were any previous comments left on this article they will be at the top followed by my own little quick blurb about commenting for this blog. Scroll down to the text box marked by the red arrow in the example. Feel free to enter your comments on the article in this box. Please note that I do moderate all of the comments published to my blog simply because I would prefer to eliminate any non-related comments or "spam". It unfortunately happens more often then you would think.

After you are done typing simply scroll down in the box until you get to the word verification section as seen on the left. You will be given a random set of letters to enter into the word verification box. This is just a simple tool that is used to help prevent programs from automatically entering spam comments on everyone's blog.

After the word verification scroll down a bit further so you can enter your name and let me know who left the message. Just follow 3 simple steps to complete this process.

1) Choose "Name/URL" as your option.

2) Type in your name (Just the First Name is fine)

3) Click on the Publish your Comment box.

That's It! This will send me a notification that I have had a comment posted and I will sign in at my next opportunity and publish it to the site. Simple enough?

I always love to hear from all the family and friends out there.

**Just remember** Each article has its own comments section so if you want to comment on a specific topic make sure you have selected it. You can easily do this by using the archive list on the right side of the screen or simply by clicking on the title of the article (This will open a window with just this article in it).

So are you ready to try it out? Go Ahead and Leave a Comment Here!

PS - If you need to see a larger version of the example pictures I am using just click on them. Hope this helps everyone!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Brad meets Barack Obama - too cool!

Yet another benefit of this blog was that I was finally able to touch base with my brother Brad. As many of you know, Brad and I have been very close friends from practically birth and I consider him a brother even to this day. One of the downsides of growing old and growing apart is that after people go separate ways it is harder and harder to stay in touch. I was really tickled pink to get his email.

He is currently on security detail working various appointments in and around Iraq. Due to the nature of his assignments it isn't often that I get to hear about a lot of them so when he recently sent me some photos I was eager to see what he had been doing. I had to look twice at the photos he sent but sure enough it is none other than Barack Obama with the guys. Not bad to be on assignment with and meet/greet the possible next leader of the free world.

Good Luck with Everything Bro and keep the emails coming!!

Riding Along the Oak Savannah Trail

Angela and I have been starting to bike ride again. We really are lucky to live where we do since there are some of the nicer bike trails in Indiana within just a short distance of our house.

The Oak Savannah Trail starts just south of our house and continues for just over 7 miles towards Griffith, IN. It is a very nice stretch of paved trail that provides wonderful scenery and protection from vehicles at the same time. Our initial goal is to be able to bike all the way to the end of the trail and back again.

There is also the option of following a partial trail through the town of Hobart to the start of another Indiana trail called the Prairie Duneland Trail. At some point we hope to try this one out as well. It's about a 2.5 mile ride to get to the start of it through downtown Hobart. Once there the trail continues for over 10 miles and you can even make connections to 2 more additional trails.

Eventually the plans are to have all of the segments connected and to have one large path connecting Northwest Indiana. That will be very nice when it happens but for now it is still a plus to have such a wonderful opportunity so close to home.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dark Knight on IMAX - Heath Ledger LENGENDARY!!

So Angela and I got up early on Sunday and went to see the Dark Knight movie on IMAX. 9:15am start time which was probably earlier then I have ever seen a movie, but WOW was it worth it!!

If you have a chance to see this I highly recommend it. I felt it truly was unlike any other comic book based movie in the fact that this one really tried to make it as realistic as possible. I have so thoroughly enjoyed the re-making of this series starting with Batman Begins. The IMAX shows were sold out for every show but the earliest one so that is why we went at that time. Good thing too!! When we came out of the show there were a TON of people waiting to see it!

The show itself lived up to all the hype and more for me. Heath Ledger's performance was truly legendary! I have never seen the Joker played so well and so true to character. I am deeply sad that with his passing we will not get another performance because I would have paid a lot more to see him in this role again. What's more - he has set the bar so high that I would find it very hard to believe anyone else can come close to being in the same league with his performance. I was also thrilled that they finally gave us a movie that was true to life and very realistic. I hated the earlier attempts that almost had too much of a cartoonish feel to them and I felt ultimately hurt the Batman story line. I mean come on, who really sees Arnold as Mr. Freeze?

So in the end - 2 thumbs way, way up! Angela and I are looking to return to the drive-in soon so I'll have to let you know what else we end up seeing this summer.

BTW - if you have kids and were wondering if you should take them to this movie - I would suggest an age limit would be in order. This is not your Adam West's Batman.
For more info on that read this blog article:

Week 6 - Dramatic Changes / Some Good / Some Bad

Week 6 ends and the numbers are a bit deceiving this week. Joe was not feeling well this weekend and I think due to the BP medicine had some extra low BP stats during our weigh-in time. After checking with him on Monday morning though he seems to be feeling better. Anywho his scores will average out next week and should bring us closer together again.
On my end - 6th week in a row for weight loss. Base BP and Pulse rates have dropped vs the start too so I guess things are working. Like anything though - to see great results takes sheer determination. Thanks for everyones support as I move ahead!

Week 6 Totals:
Craig: 27.00
Joe: 81.32

My results:
Weight: 253.2 / Lost 4.2 / 1.63%
BP(S): 126 / -6 / 4.55%
BP(D): 78 / -7 / 8.24%
Pulse: 94 / -12 / 11.32%
This Weeks Points: 25.73
Total Points: 27.00

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Solistone - The company I proudly work for . . .

The benefit of this blog is that I am starting to catch up with several people that I haven't spoken to for some time. As everyone that has contacted me has been curious what I am doing now for work, I thought I would give a quick post about the great company I have been lucky enough to be employed by:

I am currently employed by Solistone. They are a California based flooring company that offers several unique collections of different stones, glass, flooring and other architectural elements. I cover a sales territory of approx 14 mid-western states and am always meeting new and exciting people. Our flooring line incorporates a pebbles line, unique glass looks, stainless steel metals, hand painted mission tiles and much, much more. It is tremendously refreshing to represent such a wonderfully design driven company and I truly enjoy getting up and going to work each and everyday.

Here is a slideshow showing just some of our product line installed:

I am having a great time and really enjoy what I am doing. Being a salesperson during these tough economical times is a difficult thing but I always am thankful to have the benefit of doing something I love while working with a great group of people everyday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ironic Find: 6 Worst Things to Eat at the Movies

So since my last post was about our recent trip to our new find: The 49er Drive-In! I found it ironic that I would run across this article about the 6 worst foods to eat at the Movies. I am sure all of us out there have had some of these too!

Want a real eye opener? The lowest calorie count on their featured items is 572 calories. For a 200lb middle age man he would have to do one of the following to work off that many calories:

Walking 2 mph - 153 minutes
Jogging 5 mph - 43 minutes
Swimming - 48 minutes
Cleaning the house - 128 minutes

Here is the food article:

And if you ever want some valuable knowledge of what you have to do to burn off those calories visit the Calorie King website.

Great research tools at:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Valparaiso 49er Drive-In Night! Great Fun had by All!!

After living here for awhile we were surprised to find out that we never realized that we had such a quality movie drive-in right by us. Once we found out though we HAD to go! Angela and I just love drive-in movies and as you can see by the pics below - we go all out!

We even got a bonus for our first go around and had Joe & Linda go with us. Of course we had to have our kids go with too. Our beloved Rocky had his friends Roxie and new family member Colbie go along and enjoy it with us. What a great time!

It was the 49er Drive-In in Valparaiso, IN and we saw the double feature of Hancock (with Will Smith) and Wanted (with Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie).

Check out their website here:

For those of you that have never been to an outdoor movie you truly don't know what you are missing! It is a great experience that is becoming harder and harder to find. Now that we have found it though we will definately be going back again this year!

Great Article about Food Diaries - I am actually doing this too!

I ran across this article from the USA Today. It was quite a coincidence because this is one of the methods that I have committed to as I try to get back into shape. It really helps! Trust me that it is scary how quickly some of the foods add up everyday. As a salesperson that travels throughout nearly 14 states and am always on the go it is far to easy to add up 1000's of calories. Keeping record keeps you in line!

Here is the article - Enjoy!

Week 5 - 20% done and feeling better!

Another great week - mostly unexpected on the weight loss. 2nd largest week yet with 5.8lbs. Mostly looking for around 2 lbs / week at this point so I am very pleased with my results. Joe is doing really well though and putting up a great fight. I am really proud of him and think that this will be very beneficial for both of us in the long run. He had his biggest weight loss week this week and has been able to maintain his blood pressures and pulse right where they need to be.

Week 5 Totals:
Craig: 1.27
Joe: 25.73

My results:
Weight: 257.4 / Lost 5.8 / 2.20%
BP(S): 132 / +1 / -0.76%
BP(D): 85 / -3 / 3.41%
Pulse: 106 / +3 / -2.91%
This Weeks Points: 1.94
Total Points: 1.27

Friday, July 11, 2008

Gavin's Surprise! - A NEW CAR! :)

After spending all day wondering what Mom and Dad had planned for his big surprise, my nephew finally got the new car that he was hoping for!

Monday, July 7, 2008

eBay Live 2008 Photos - Us and the Big Guns

Got to look at our proofs online from some photos taken at eBay Live. Here is a copy of us and John Donahoe (eBay President & CEO) and Lorrie Norrington (President of eBay Marketplace Operations) It was neat to meet with them. They even signed an eBay Live Program guide for us.

I'll upload the raw photos (better quality) once I find them....can't seem to locate on the hard drive tonight.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week 4 Ends - Whew! Holiday is past!

Tough week! Too many hot dogs, fries and other temptations around to tempt you from swaying. I was very happy to post a weight loss for my 4th straight week. Joe even gained a pound so I was able to catch a slight break.

Week 4 Totals:
Craig: -0.67
Joe: 11

My results:
Weight: 263.2 / Lost 2.3 / 0.87%
BP(S): 131 / +1 / 0.76%
BP(D): 88 / -8 / -10.00%
Pulse: 103 / -8 / -8.42%
This Weeks Points: -16.8
Total Points: -0.67

A few eBay Listings - Check them out

Angela and I spent some time this weekend to start on the revisions to our eBay listings.

You can check out the few we listed either by following our link to our eBay store or by viewing the slideshow below. Just a few games that we had remaining from last holiday rush's big purchase but at least we were able to revise our listing verbage to the new and improved regulations.

Should be able to get more items posted later this weekend.