Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Brad meets Barack Obama - too cool!

Yet another benefit of this blog was that I was finally able to touch base with my brother Brad. As many of you know, Brad and I have been very close friends from practically birth and I consider him a brother even to this day. One of the downsides of growing old and growing apart is that after people go separate ways it is harder and harder to stay in touch. I was really tickled pink to get his email.

He is currently on security detail working various appointments in and around Iraq. Due to the nature of his assignments it isn't often that I get to hear about a lot of them so when he recently sent me some photos I was eager to see what he had been doing. I had to look twice at the photos he sent but sure enough it is none other than Barack Obama with the guys. Not bad to be on assignment with and meet/greet the possible next leader of the free world.

Good Luck with Everything Bro and keep the emails coming!!

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