Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week 9: My 1st Plateau & My Personal Best - DOH!

Week 9 is now in the books and it looks like I have reached my first weight loss plateau. Honestly I must admit, I expected it earlier. Anybody who has attempted a long term weight loss should be very familiar with these situations. The human body is a wonderfully efficient machine and will often adapt quickly to whatever changes you are making. Unfortunately that means that you have to occasionally change things up if you want to see continued results.

Case in point this week:
This week I maintained my average daily calorie intake to within 78 calories of the previous weeks AND had my largest exercise activity to date. I biked more than 38 miles and walked/jogged more than 16 this week!! All this activity and I had a net weight loss of just a single pound (Which was water weight walked off the morning of the weigh-in). I am sure that there was some muscle mass built up and they always say that should weigh more than fat so maybe that is partly true. However after doing a lot of research on the "plateau" phenomenon I have realized that there is indeed a real issue with this. It seems that the body becomes so efficient with a routine that it actually will start using less calories after a short repetition then it did when you started. Therefore after a few weeks of consistent treadmill activity you are actually burning off fewer calories than the first time you started. The fix? Mix-up your routine and keep at it!

Here are some great articles if you want to read more:

Understanding Weight Loss Plateaus

10 Ways to Move Beyond a Weight Loss Plateau

11 Ways to Break Out of a Weight Loss Plateau

Week 9 Totals:
Craig: 11.00
Joe: 27.08

My results:
Weight: 243.0 / Lost 1 / 0.41%
BP(S): 118 / 4 / 3.28%
BP(D): 81 / 7 / 7.95%
Pulse: 116 / -7 / -6.42%

This Weeks Points: 5.22
Total Points: 11.00

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